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Results for "keyword: " heart""
Married to the Mob A light-hearted comedy about one woman's dream to remake her life
Regarding Henry A discussion guide to the movie "Regarding Henry." Recommended for people interested in finding spirituality at the movies. A spiritual emergency forces an aggressive, successful, and amoral New York …
Kounandi A tender and touching parable about sacrificial love in an African village.
Where the Heart Is Tenderly reveals what complex blunderers people can be but, luckily, often blessed with friends who help them patch things back together again.
What's Eating Gilbert Grape A quirky study of altruism that shows how deep and true love in a family context can be transformed and renewed again and again.
Heart and Souls A delightful fantasy romp that compels us to consider what one action it would take to make our lives complete.
A Room With a View A lovely looking film that captures Forster's scorn for individuals tethered by class distinctions and social conformity.
Starman An engaging science fiction drama that provides us with an opportunity to look afresh at ourselves and to ponder what it means to be children of the Universe.
Inside Moves A film that celebrates human solidarity and the true meaning of friendship.
Comes a Horseman A portrait of the archetypal cowboy -- crafty, self-reliant, and industrious.